The question on the lips of a lot of people is .How CAN YOU REFINE YOUR talents? To refine your talent, you first need to discover it.Here is my take on the 5 practical ways you can quickly discover your talent.
Once that has been settled, let’s quickly answer the question of how you can refine your talent.
Tables and chairs did not just fall from the sky.They were hidden in the trees.Somebody refined his creative talents to be able to produce these items from wood.
Refinning your talents is absolutely necessary for you to be productive with it.

When you know what talents are,and have discovered yours,the next step is to refine them.
According to vocabulary .com, “ refining something means you’re going to fine tune it, hone it to perfection, and make it more precise”.inorderwords, just because you know how to sing,does not make you a supper star..!
You need to acquire skills related to your talents to help you become a better singer.
When I discovered I had a creative talent to sew,that did not make me an international fashion designer.Although that was and still is my dream.
I had to take online courses on how to cut materials to perfection, pattern drafting, and so on.
I had to learn secondary skills on how to create an e commerce store to exhibit my products.
Refining your talents can help you discover other hidden talents .Talents you probably didn’t know you possessed
Refining your talents means figuring out what you need in order to take your natural talents to the next level.Asking yourself several questions.
For instance,what techniques do you need to improve your performance?what special skills do you need to acquire?
What are the new discoveries in your area of gifting?.
These questions will help you evaluate your strengths.It will help you know what skills will be easy and appropriate to acquire .
Refining your talents,means having interest , dedication ,focus and persistence.
For instance,learning to build a website needed interest,dedication and focus .I needed to be persistent to accomplish what I wanted
To refine your talents ,you need to learn skills related to your talents.
Rachel has an interesting write up on several ways to refine your talent.
Skills can be learnt both on and offline.
There are a lot of free courses online to take advantage of.When I wanted to learn digital
Marketing skills,I searched online for a lot of free courses..
I came across 4 wonderful sites that offer both free and paid courses.
1.Google garage.This is a great place to start.Because majority of the courses are completely free,and approved by industry experts.Here you can learn up-to-date skills that will truly be beneficial to your talent.
Whether you are looking for the kind of skills to learn or you actually want a particular skill, google digital garage is the best place to go.
This is because of the avalenge of different courses to choose from.
You also have the option of learning at your own pace.
Some of the courses have accreditation certificates that can boost your profile and CV.
2 Futurelearn is another very versatile platform to learn both free and paid skills.futurelearn has a lot of courses in four different areas
3 Hubspot is a skill learning platform that offer a lot of certification courses that you can take .Taking certification courses add industry recognised courses badges to your linkedin profile.
4.BLUEPRINT:This is another wonderful site to learn a lot of hands on skills that can help you unleash your potential
Unleash Your Creativity – Project kits, supplies and video content to help you master what you love.If you do not see any free skills to suit your talent,then go for the paid ones.Believe me it will be money well spent.
Refining your talents can deliver you from employer Manipulations.What does that mean?
For instance,when you refine your talents by learning new skills,you increase your value.You are not afraid of losing your Job.
Because you have an alternative to fall back on.That is your skilled talents.
You can decide to stay in a job or walk away.Your acquired skills protects you and gives you confidence.
The world looks for refined skills in times of crisis.Finding your gift ,refining it ,and using it ,brings value to your life.
When you have value,you become significant.
Money is attracted to value.The more value the world sees in you, the more it will pay you for it.
Refining your gift,brings specialization.Specialisation brings success.
Your gift will make room for you and bring you before kings,only after you refine it
If you know any other free skill acquisition sites please share below.