Will you like to make money with your writing talent?
Then you will be interested in these 9 sites that will pay you over $120 for content writing.
Do you have a dairy that you write down everything?.Are you one of those people that start writing a story. And before you know it you have written 3 pages of content.!How will you like to make money doing what comes natural to you.?
Before I give you the websites, I need to clarify a few things.
Granted writing is your talent. Just writing stories will not help you make money with your writing talent. You need to learn what I call secondary skills and online skills. You also need to have a PayPal account. Most of these websites pay through Pay pal
Once you have done that, then you are on your way to make money online with your writing skills.
Wont it feel great to make some cash on the side, to buy yourself some nice goodies?
Most of the websites and blogs that pay you to write content normally pay on a revenue share basis.That means your content has to be popular for you to get paid.
Inorder words ,If nobody reads your post,you dont get paid.
The websites I will be listing here however do not operate like that.
The websites I will list here, pay you for writing content that they accept or publish. So lets get straight to the websites
This is the first website I want to introduce you to.
Money PANTRY is not only easy to use but the requirements are not so difficult either. They are particularly interested in content writing about tips on saving and earning money. Writing a personal practical story of how you save and earn extra money is a sure deal. One thing I like about them is that they welcome all content writing. It does not matter whether you are a freelance writer or not.
As long as you follow their writing guardlines, and write between 700-2000 words.
Their payments range between $30-$150.
Payment is via PayPal.
Freelance Mum is a website that is particular about the originality of your content. They don’t want content that is all over the internet .
They want stories about how to manage motherhood and a successful business. Including clearly defined points on how other mums can also achieve this feat. It is not just for women writers.
Men are also welcomed
As long as your content writing is genuine,practical and actionable,you will make money with your writing talent.All you have to do ,is ensure that you create time first to read their guidelines for content submission.
As long as you follow their guidelines, your content will be accepted.
Content should be between 900-1500 words.
Freelance mum pays between $75-$100.
Payment is via PayPal.
They also pay you an extra bonus of $150 if your article is at the top of the most shared.
If you are a Christian blogger, this site is for you. Bible advocate accepts genuine life stories of how you started your Christian journey. Or stories that helped you deepen your faith in God.
They are really particular about genuine stories that can touch peoples lives.Stories that can bring about a conviction in the hearts of people that read it.
They payment varies depending on your content.They don’t actually pay up to $100.Their payment is between $25-$65.
Before you write for them, go through their submission policy. This will guide you on the type of content writing they are interested in.
Club house is another Christian and family based website. They are particularly interested in exciting stories that will captivate children. Especially children between the ages of 3-7and 8-11.
Your content can be in the form of fiction.
As long as it is humorous and interesting for a child. Most importantly it should have a strong Christian or family foundation to the story.

Fiction stories should be between 900-1800 words
While non fiction stories should be between 400 to 1000words.
Clubhouse normally pay 15 to 25 cents per word.
For Fiction stories they pay $200 and above. While they pay $150 and above for non fiction content writing ..
Short craft work,recipe ideas and quizzes are also accepted.
If you are interested in writing content for club house, it is advisable to buy their magazine and take a look at their content style. This will give you an idea of the kind of content they accept and publish. As usual before submitting any content, read their submission guidelines.
Do you have a health related blog? Or you have some good knowledge on how to live a healthy life style?. Healthy living website gives you an opportunity to make money with your knowledge. This website accepts mostly health related contents.
Apart from health topics, they also accept content writing about anti aging, beauty, parenting and travel.
If you have unique content on any of these topics, then you are good to go. When you fill their request form ,it is better to submit your post at the same time. They normally respond within 6 days. If you do not get a response, that means your content was not accepted for publication.
Payment is $150 for a 1500-6000 worded content.
Envato Elements is a new creative subscription for digital assets. It serves agencies, designers, and other creative professionals who regularly need assets.
If you are not an IT specialist, you can write on other topics for Envato Author .
Envato Elements is a highly technical site created for frequent users of digital assets who care deeply about design. It has an amazing library of content from talented, hand-picked authors. Customers pay a monthly subscription for their content.
The site publishes different types of web content and tutorials that specifically focus on web development technology.
They need writers who can write about JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, CSS3, document-based database systems, Server-Side and anything else in between that deals with web development technology.
There are many benefits of being an Envato content writer.
If you produce quality content regularly you earn over $700 every month. When you submit short tutorial you get $100.For longer tutorial, you are paid as much as $250.
As a software developer, you can apply to become an Envato element Author. If you are accepted, you get paid according to the popularity of your product. That means the more people buy your products,the more money you get. Making money through this means is only for a select group.
I only added this method here in case you are an IT specialist reading this post. And probably looking for a way to make money teaching your skills.
Michelle Pippins blog is a popular business website centered around how to make money online and marketing.
They are interested in genuine articles on how to make money online.Positive business success stories are also welcomed. Other areas of interest for this blog is social media marketing, financial tips,improving business productivity etc.This site is particularly interested in female entrepreneurs.
Your write up must be about a real world business hack or tip that has worked for you.
At the same time can also work for other business owners.Content must also be original and never published any where. That is how you can make money here with your writting talent.
The site pays between $50 to $150
Payment is via PayPal.
Better Humans is interested in topics that you have personal expertise in the area that you are addressing.
The second thing is that the goal of the article should be to change the reader’s life for the better.
They prepare articles that provide supporting evidence for any claims made as well as a dose of motivation.
Before submitting any content for consideration, go through their style guide first. This will help you get first hand information on the kind of content writing they accept.
BETTER HUMANS prefare long articles of about 2,750 words .
payment is $500 for accepted articles .payment is through Paypal.
Do you love traveling, Do you know ways that one can travel and get paid? .How about telling your experience or story and get paid for it. Your Dreams Are Waiting.
If you would like to write for Great Escape Publishing, please read through their writer’s guidelines completely before doing anything else. .
To familiarize yourself with the their publishing style, sign up for their free newsletter.
Great Escape Publishing ,publishes articles on the craft and business of getting paid to travel.
Whether by writing, photography, tours or other means. They also publish short interviews with successful readers and members, as well as professionals working in a field that enables their readers to get paid to travel.
Content should be between 300 and 600 words. They pay $150 or articles accepted.
Those are my 9 sites that can pay you to write content.There are other sites that pay less than $100 that you can also check out.
- Write naked
- UX Booth
- Design tuts
- Funds for writers
- List verse
- Motherly
- Make a living writing
- Readers digest
- If you have used other websites before that pay please lets us know by commenting. On the other hand create time and try these sites I have mentioned .Let me know your experience.